Here's Why AI Should Replace Nearly Every Job

And How It'll Make Us All More Creative and Independent

... (And How It'll Make Us All More Creative and Independent)

Bruh… why would we want AI to replace every job?

Chill, don't panic yet.

AI will benefit us all in terms of creativity, innovation, and personal growth. Assuming it doesn’t get all Skynet on us.

The 9-to-5 Grind

Where Dreams Go to Die?

The 9-5 job... a never-ending loop of the 'Case of the Mondays' while our true passions and dreams linger in the corner. Work hard, and one day, you might be able to afford a weekend vacation! Oh, looks like you're too tired from the bs work schedule, bummer, well, there's always next year...

I believe we're in an ‘angered society’ in America. Feel free to offer a rebuttal if you have one, but I've met more people that don't enjoy their job more often than people that do enjoy their job.

The mission was clear, they had their path carefully designed so they could really make a difference and lead a fulfilling life - then from some weird sequence of events, often from things outside of their own control, their life became boring, unfulfilling, and completely mundane. Unfulfilling lives lead to either bored societies, or angry societies.

It's hard to stay motivated in a society that thrives on the exact opposite of human nature. We've got a unique creative powerhouse between our ears that we should probably use. People seem to learn a routine, stick to it, and never do something new, gain a new perspective, embrace a new idea, or challenge themselves to think bigger.

Do yourself a favor, go create a ChatGPT account and ask it to make you a browser extension (and how to install it)... it'll do it. Start small. But yea, you can create your own stuff now that you couldn't before. That already exists.

Enter AI

The Ultimate Sidekick

Alright, so here's how the idea of AI replacing all jobs is better.

Increased Efficiency

AI does all of the heavy lifting, the mundane, and the repetitive. This directly correlates to us having time for personal growth, exploring new hobbies, or simply relax and recharge.

That book you always wanted to write? Go do it.

That application you wanted to build? Go do it.

That plugin you wish existed? Go do it.

Customized Learning

College will become a worthless idea. No more student debt, and an equal playing field for knowledge.

Want to learn something new? Go learn it, and tell the bot what skill level you're at so they can start from there. No more wasted time, just raw, personalized learning. No more pencils, no more books... well, yea, still books, like the one you always wanted to write that you just wrote, right?

Collaboration Over Competition

Since AI levels the 'competitive' nature of business, collaboration becomes more beneficial than profits. Since nobody has a job, or a need for one, they can all just come up with ways to improve stuff in ways that AI can't.

Collaboration has always been a shining point for any creative, now creatives can also build functional applications, so that too becomes a form of art.

A Focus on Problem-Solving

Dear AI: Here's our dilemma, please solve it. No! Not like that! That's heartless! Damn you Skynet! Yea, compassion and empathy is something we have to enhance.

We can't do that if we're all bitter from leading unfulfilling lives. But since we've started creating new things and re-invigorated the part of our brains that encourages us to try new things and adapt to changes, we build the synaptic pathways that allow us to embody the ethics into our new AI creations.

Even when tackling huge tasks, like solving world hunger. The AI driven approach may be 'Well, make less humans, problem solved' - but our ethics will engage the next approach, which is to ramp up food production to include everyone.

A Chance to Rediscover Ourselves

More free time means we can explore relationships with each other and ourselves better. This one is self-explanatory to anyone who has ever meditated, but for those who have not, go try it, you'll see what I mean.

The trick is to completely zone out, let your mind wander while reciting a mantra, a short, repeating phrase. This keeps you focused on that instead of the everyday bs.

Eventually, you'll enter into a trance-like state of mind and find some interesting thoughts you never knew you had tucked away. Unlocking the mind will free you from your mundane 9-5 while you wait for AI to take over. Highly recommended.

AI: The Missing 'Limbs'

We've Been Waiting For

Without AI, you still have to know enough to know what you don't know.

Here's an example, if you want to learn how to cook, you need an oven. When you search for a recipe online, it assumes you already have an oven when you read the instructions. Yes, I know the example is basic. But let's keep it that simplified, the point is valid.

This leaves a weird gap to anyone who doesn't know what an oven is. Now they have to also learn that, but they have no idea where to start.

The same goes for learning most new things. AI fills that gap, because now, you can simply say 'Tell me from start to finish how to _____". It assumes nothing, and will do exactly as it was asked. Including telling you how to make an oven if you don't have one available.

With this missing piece of 'what we need' filled, anyone can now do anything they want to do, as long as they are willing to go through the process and see it through.

This doesn't mean we can become lazy; it means we become more proactive and capable in our abilities and lose a lot of the limitations. AI becomes the missing appendage to our capability, connecting our ideas to our abilities.

We can all be artists, inventors, entrepreneurs, and trailblazers, exploring new ideas and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. AI enables everyone to be able to do things they couldn't do before, either from lack of ability, knowledge, or time. Ever had a cool idea, but you just didn't have the skills to do it, or even know where to start? Now you can do it.

AI Replacing Jobs

Leading to a More Innovative, Creative, and Fulfilling Society

Now that we've established why AI replacing jobs can lead to a more innovative, creative, and fulfilling society, let's explore how we can prepare for this exciting future.

Embracing Change: Preparing for the AI Revolution

Just like any major shift in society, the key to embracing the AI revolution is to be open, adaptable, and prepared for change. Here are a few ways we can all start getting ready for the age of AI:

Lifelong Learning

Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning. It's so easy to learn something new at this point, I find myself removing people from my circle and adding new ones based on their recognition of this.

Life's too short not to wonder why and how. You'll find yourself on a rabbit hole of ideas and info every day if you ask why and how. Ask those questions often, and it will lead you to personal growth, and to a better EQ/IQ.

Embrace new subjects, stay curious, and never be afraid to challenge yourself. Remember, the more you learn, the more opportunities you'll have.

Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a set of skills that enable us to understand, manage, and express our emotions effectively.

If you have a Twitter account, you already know how much EQ is currently lacking, and is needed for society. (IQ would be helpful as well, but I digress...)

As AI takes over the technical aspects of work, the importance of human qualities like empathy, communication, and collaboration will only grow.

Strengthen your EQ by practicing active listening, developing empathy, and managing your emotions constructively.

Cultivate Creativity

Being a programming expert is no longer required. All you need is a cool idea. Be creative, test the boundaries of your technical imagination. 'Hey, I like photoshop, but exporting to ASCII art might be cool, I wonder if there's a plugin?" Huh, no plugin? Hey, AI - can you make me a plugin that lets me export my photoshop files as ASCII art? Sure, this is a basic idea, but yes - it's that easy now.

Build a Diverse Skillset

Since you don't have to do a lot of the heavy lifting, you may find yourself finding new trinkets of passion in different fields. For example, maybe you start writing books to help people moving into your local area find the best spots to eat, the best parks, or whatever, but in the process, you start saying 'Hey, this needs good photo's, and the ones the AI make don't do it justice', so then you find out you like doing landscape and urban photography in the process. Guess what? You can learn everything you need to know using the same AI tool so you can make really good, helpful pictures. Again, it's a simple example, but that's the base of the idea.

Network and Collaborate

Collaboration will free us. Someone might know all of the intricacies of building a house, but without a good painter, that sheetrock looks ugly. The same applies for all of the aspects in our future endeavors. How wonderful it will be to set the idea of cost aside, and just let creative minds come up with interesting ways of handling new tasks.

AI is intimidating, for sure. To anyone who isn't familiar with it, it's scary. It's even more scary to those of us who really understand it well, because we know what it can do in the hands of bad actors. I'm looking further out than that, those are the speedbumps to get to where we're headed, as long as those speed bumps are managed well. We can do it; we have the ethics to do this right embodied within society somewhere.

The fastest way to remove the obstacles is to remove currency entirely. Without a financial incentive, and without a power incentive, AI is one of the most profound things humans will ever do. AI can replace the power concept, because, it is the power, and it can replace the currency concept, because if AI runs it all, we have nobody to pay for services, so we all just get what we need.

In the end, the AI revolution isn't something to only be feared. Cautioned, surely, but if we allow the fear to fully overtake the capability, we limit ourselves from what could be. Once we figure out risk mitigation, we're off to the races to building something truly wonderful, and it's worth it.

Here's Why AI Should Replace Nearly Every Job
Hippy April 6, 2023
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